Interaction To Next Paint

Understanding Interaction To Next Paint: A Crucial Web Performance Metric

As we delve further into the digital age, the demand for quicker and more efficient websites grows exponentially. To cater to this need, developers and designers are constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. One such innovation that has been a game-changer in the world of web performance is the “Interaction To Next Paint” metric.

To truly appreciate this metric’s significance, we first need to understand what it means and its implications for a website’s user experience.

What is Interaction To Next Paint?

Interaction To Next Paint, or ITNP, is a metric that gauges the responsiveness of a website or a web application. In simpler terms, it measures the time taken from when a user interacts with your website – such as clicking a button or a link – to when the next visual response is rendered on the screen.

Think of it as a way of quantifying the time between a user’s action and the website’s reaction. Lower ITNP times signify a more responsive and quicker website, leading to a smoother user experience.

Why is INP Important?

A website’s performance isn’t just about how quickly it loads anymore. It’s also about how swiftly it responds to user interactions. A site with a high ITNP time may lead to user frustration, as they are left waiting for the site to respond to their actions.

The crucial role of ITNP is not only in enhancing user experience but also in improving your website’s ranking. Search engines like Google are increasingly considering page experience as a ranking factor. Metrics like ITNP play a significant role in defining the page experience and hence your website’s visibility in search results.

How To Measure INP?

Interaction To Next Paint can be measured using web performance tools like Lighthouse and WebPageTest. These tools provide a detailed analysis of your website’s performance and offer insights into various metrics, including ITNP. They also provide actionable suggestions to improve your website’s performance.

INP and Core Web Vitals

Interaction To Next Paint’s importance grows even further when seen in the context of Google’s Core Web Vitals. These vitals are a set of metrics that Google considers crucial in a webpage’s overall user experience. ITNP, due to its direct impact on how users perceive the responsiveness of a site, aligns with these core vitals and can play a crucial role in improving a site’s Core Web Vitals score.

INP and Mobile Responsiveness

With the exponential growth in mobile internet usage, ITNP becomes even more critical. On mobile devices, users expect an almost instantaneous response to their interactions. The limitations of mobile devices in terms of processing power and network speeds make optimizing ITNP for mobile sites a top priority. Developers need to ensure that their websites are not just mobile-friendly in design, but also in responsiveness and interaction speeds.

INP and Ecommerce

In the world of ecommerce, ITNP can directly impact a business’s bottom line. A slow responding website can frustrate users, leading to cart abandonment and decreased conversions. By focusing on improving ITNP, ecommerce businesses can provide a smoother shopping experience, encouraging users to complete their purchases and return for more.

Future of INP

As the web continues to evolve, the importance of ITNP is likely to grow. With advancements in web technologies, developers will have more tools at their disposal to improve ITNP. At the same time, user expectations for fast, responsive websites will continue to rise. In this scenario, ITNP will remain a critical metric for website performance, driving the future of web development towards more responsive, user-centric designs.

A Case Study of INP Improvement

Consider a popular ecommerce website that was struggling with user engagement and conversions. On analyzing their website’s performance, they found that their ITNP times were significantly higher than the industry average. By implementing the strategies discussed above, such as code splitting, optimizing render-blocking resources, and prioritizing input handling, they were able to reduce their ITNP times by over 50%. This improvement led to a significant increase in user engagement, a reduction in cart abandonment rates, and an increase in overall conversions, proving the direct impact of ITNP on a website’s success.

Core Web Vitals

How To Improve INP?

Improving ITNP largely depends on optimizing your website’s JavaScript execution and rendering process. Here are a few strategies that can help:

1. Code Splitting: Implementing code splitting can help you reduce the initial payload of your website. This means the browser only loads the necessary JavaScript needed for the current page, reducing the processing time and improving the ITNP.

2. Optimize Render Blocking Resources: Render-blocking resources like CSS and JavaScript can delay the rendering process. Optimize these resources by inlining critical CSS, deferring non-critical JavaScript, and asynchronously loading CSS files.

3. Use Web Workers: Web workers allow you to run JavaScript in the background, freeing up the main thread for user interactions. This can significantly improve the responsiveness of your website.

4. Prioritize Input Handling: Ensuring that input handling is a high-priority task in your JavaScript event loop can help improve ITNP.

5. Efficient Animations: For animations, consider using CSS or Web Animations API, which are typically more performant than JavaScript-based animations.


In a world where user experience is king, understanding and optimizing metrics like Interaction To Next Paint can make all the difference. It’s about creating a seamless and enjoyable user journey, enhancing overall user satisfaction, and improving your website’s ranking potential. With the right tools and strategies, you can significantly lower your website’s ITNP times, leading to a more responsive and user-friendly website.

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As a London-based Technical SEO Strategist, I've worked with top firms like,, Tripadvisor, Yopa, and various digital marketing and cloud computing companies. My extensive experience in SEO, including outreach, helps me create impactful strategies informed by the latest industry trends, ensuring innovative solutions for diverse industry needs.

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